Dear New Mover,

Congratulations on your new move to the Berkshires. I am the publisher of The Berkshire Eagle, and if you don’t already know, The Eagle is the area’s award-winning newspaper. For over 100 years, it has been the source of local news, sports and culture in the Berkshires.
If you are not yet a subscriber, let me give you full 24/7 access to all of our online publications*. Simply call our customer service desk at 413-496-6355 and let the representative know that you have decided to accept Fred’s housewarming gift. They will know what that means and will set up your account.
In addition to our daily newspaper, The Eagle is proud to publish Welcome Home. Welcome Home is our online directory designed to introduce new home owners and new movers to a select group of shops and services to make your move as smooth as possible. I hope you choose to use many of the opportunities that this digital directory extends to you, and I further hope that you tell the proprietors and managers that you learned about them in The Eagle’s Welcome Home directory.
The importance of local journalism is an issue about which people have been concerned for a long time. Academic studies have proven that communities with viable local newspapers are better governed, enjoy more citizen participation and can actually borrow funds more cheaply than neighboring towns. Your support of the businesses we are showcasing in this brochure is a concrete demonstration of your commitment to our Berkshire community as well as your support for quality local journalism. I sincerely hope you find all of our publications useful and informative.
Welcome to the neighborhood,
Fred Rutberg